About Finances
The University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association supports various activities in the neighborhood like the July 4th celebration, the Halloween Parade and Pizza Party, Santa Visits as well as donations to our local schools. Specifically, the University Hill Farms spends 47% of dues on Social Events like the July 4th picnic, the Halloween Parade and Pizza Party, Santa Visits, and the Spring Social all of which promote social interaction between neighbors, 12% on the quarterly newsletter, 19% on the biennial directory, 15% for donations to the local schools and the Capitol City Band, 6% on technology costs like website hosting, and 1% on miscellaneous costs like the crosswalk flags by the pool and the WI Non-Stock Corporation fee.
However, there are non-cost activities performed by the board which are integral and important to our neighborhood. Our planning group interacts and provides input on redevelopment projects in and around our neighborhood like the Madison Yards, the Hilldale redevelopment, and the Flad developments. Our board also interacts with our alder and various City of Madison departments on issues impacting our neighborhood to ensure the neighborhood voice is heard.