
The neighborhood's largest annual event, in terms of participation, is the Fourth of July Parade and Picnic. Approximately 600 people attend, starting with the kids' bike parade at 10 a.m. that includes scout groups and a pickup band. The parade ends at Rennebohm Park, where a clown provides entertainment for the younger kids, the older kids take part in games, and a DJ plays music for the adults. Hamburgers, brats and hot dogs are grilled and served around noon, with soda and beer to drink. The event ends by 2 p.m. with an egg toss and a balloon toss for all ages. Donations are welcome, but the event is free to all.

New Neighbor Welcome

Held each fall, before the annual neighborhood meeting, new residents in our neighborhood are invited to this opportunity to socialize with the Hill Farms board members and other neighbors. It's a chance to learn more about the neighborhood, meet new people, and enjoy some breakfast treats.

Halloween Parade and Pizza Party

Halloween is celebrated with a parade around Rennebohm Park and free pizza and cider starting at 5 p.m. on October 31st (unless another date is officially designated for trick-or-treating in Madison). Both kids and adults enjoy seeing and talking to each other before and after the parade, and attendance has grown each year since the event was started in 2008.

Santa makes an annual visit to the neighborhood before Christmas for children and grandchildren who are nine years of age and younger. This event, managed by neighborhood volunteers, is a great opportunity for photos and memories.

University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association (UHFNA) board meetings are quarterly. The precise time is announced a few weeks before the meeting.

The annual Neighborhood Spring Social provides an opportunity to meet fellow neighbors and to learn from useful presentations, with topics that vary from year to year.

The annual Neighborhood Garage Sales in May or June give neighbors a chance to buy or sell items on a specific weekend as part of this advertised, high-traffic event.

Capital City Band Concerts in the Park

Every Thursday evening throughout the summer, the Capital City Band performs concerts at Rennebohm Park. These free concerts start at 7 p.m. and are open to anyone who enjoys music.